
Electronic Switches

Page history last edited by karen maass 14 years, 8 months ago

Switch Access

Impulse Bluetooth Switch

It is an electromyography sensing electrode. It can sense a tiny muscle contraction. This switch

can be placed on any muscle that is under voluntary control. It is wireless up to 30 feet and its

design is said to reduce interference from other muscles.  (Ablenet)





Self-Calibrating Auditory Tone Infrared (SCATIR) Switch

It is a momentary-contact optical switch with auditory feedback. It works by detecting a reflected      

beam of light. The switch can be controlled with an eye-blink, an eyebrow movement, facial, or

headmovement. This switch is recommended for individuals that have difficulty with push button

switches. (Ablenet)





Proximity Switches: These do not require touch. One just has to get close to them and they         

sense conductiveness. They are usually used for power wheelchair access. The head array to the right

has 3 proximity switches in it. One in each pad, left, right, and back pad. (Adaptive Switch Lab, Inc.)





MCTOS Brain Switch (Mind Controlled Tool Operating Switch): The brain emits signals or                  

brain waves. The switch is controlled by thinking a lot or being at a more resting state. Used with

individuals who have normal hearing and intact language. (Synapse Adaptive) 


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