
Games and Activities to Improve Scanning and Mouse Skills

Page history last edited by karen maass 12 years ago

Websites with free Games and Activities:



Two Web Sites with a variety of games/activities. (Games/Activities on these two sites can be accessed with one or two switches or a mouse.)

Help Kiz Learn  Several of the activities on this site were free, but now there is a sign up fee.  There are only 2 activities free for trial and before these can be viewed you must set up an account.

Papunet  a website that has various games that can be played online with switches or a mouse.



Online Scanning Activities and Games for One Switch Users

Kneebouncers:   for little ones, cause and effect software

Fisher Price: Some of the games were accessed by step scanning



Jump Cow Jump Game - the child uses the spacebar or a switch programmed for the  spacebar to jump the cow over the moon.



Classic Games for Two Switch Users from Kate Ahern's Blog "Teaching Learners with Multiple Needs:


These games can be played with two switches (set to tab and enter), a Touch Screen, or mouse/mouse emulator


Connect Four

Tic Tac Toe



Games for Learning Mouse Use:


Move the Mouse  <------- Clicking  here goes to where you can download "Move the Mouse ". The software program "Move the Mouse" shows a circle on the screen that will follow the cursor around. It will change colors and play music, but only while the mouse is being moved. If you stop moving, the music stops and the colors stop changing.

Singing Horses- With a mouse click you can turn on or off each horse's singing.

Mouse Exercises - a mouse use curriculum that takes the student through the necessary mouse skills.

Games for Mousing Around- some classic a games too

  I See You Watch Baby Rose's eyes follow the cursor









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