FCI Walker (Freedom Concepts Inc.) 
It is a hands-free walking device with a slight forward lean. It can be used
either anterior or posterior and comes in three sizes: mini, junior and senior.
The junior and senior size raise up and down in an accordion fashion.
Guardian Strider Walker: 
Adjustable handles and extra wide base
Kaye Posture Walkers: Choose the correct height from 14 1/2" to 41 1/2"M
Pricing PDF

Multiple attachments can be ordered
New :
The Kaye Red Walker is the newest Posture Control Walker with a kid-friendly 
design to appeal to young walkers and their families. This walker functions like
the Kaye Posture Control Walkers.
Mulholland WalkAbout:

Sizes available for 15-lbs toddlers to 190-lbs adults. WalkAbout is a posterior support
walker with some weight bearing relief built in and leaves the person's hands free to
interact with his/her environment. It operates on the premise that as the child steps
forward, the active spring system allows the pelvis to drop down into the "heel strike"
and "toe off" portion of gait, and then assists with elevation to allow for proper
Rifton Pacer Gait Trainer- From a "mini" 15 1/2 in. elbow height 
to 50 in. in elbow height, an XL
Pacer |
Mini (K509) |
Small (K501) |
Medium (K502) |
Large (K503) |
XL (K504) |
Elbow Height |
15½-20½ |
18½-27½ |
24-34 |
32-47 |
35-50 |
Up N' Go by Easy Walking, Inc.: Combines a gait trainer with a sit-to-stand 
device. The device was designed to teach lateral weight shift and enable the user
to raise and lower his/her center of gravity. Most of the facilities where one can
see it in use are on the East Coast. ChildServe is supposed to be receiving a
pediatric one in.
Wenzelite - Pediatric Safety Roller:
(Wenzelite operates under Drive Medical and sells their products only through dealers) 
Anterior Model- both models have the following: dial-a-speed tabs for the
wheels and the following accessories that can be ordered: wire basket, oxygen
tank holder, platform attachments, retractable seat, swivel lock wheels. Height 22-28 ins.
Posterior Model- For this model you can order a pelvic block in addition to the above. 
It also has vertical handles available.
Wenzelite - Nimbo Lightweight Posterior Posture Walker 
a product very similar to the Kaye Posture Walkers with many of the same added
attachments and options.
Miniwalk -
MINIWALK I® and MINIWALK II® from Meyland-Smith in Denmark are the newest models of walking supports for small children from approximately 1½ to 7 years of age. The MINIWALK I® is recommended for children ages 1½ to 4 years of age. The MINIWALK II® is recommended for children ages 4 to 7 years of age.
Prime Engineering KidWalk Gait Trainer is an innovative pediatric dynamic mobility system that serves as a perfect means to independently explore the environment. KidWalk plays a key-role in developing neural and motor skills, learning spatial relationships and exploring their world the same way that a child without physical limitations would. The wheel configuration and small turning radius allows tremendous maneuverability. All positioning options swing away to allow easy placement and positioning of your child. KidWalk allows lateral weight shift and offers a natural gait pattern to the user.

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