

Page history last edited by karen maass 11 years, 10 months ago



Manual Wheelchairs


          This is just a screen shot of the video on KCCI.com. Go to the link below to view the video








Power Wheelchairs


Karen Kangas"s article on "Seating for Task Performance"

Karen Kangas works in a private practice specializing in evaluation and treatment of complex, unique, and “complicated/difficult” patients of all ages. She has a high interest in seating and positioning for independence, including powered mobility. Ms. Kangas regularly teaches seminars on Seating, Positioning and Mobility both domestically and internationally.


RESNA Position on the Application of Power Wheelchairs for Pediatric Users



What is too young for power mobility?  a powerpoint presentation



Power Mobility for Infants and Toddlers     a newsletter published by Arizona State University and Thomas Jefferson University in 2012.  The newsletter discusses the need for early mobility. At the age when most infants and toddlers are exploring their environments is the same age when infants and toddlers with mobility limitations should be given the opportunity to explore



Importance of Early Mobility   by Michelle Lange    OTR, ABDA, ATP/SMS   

Excellent powerpoint on the importance of early mobility and how it affects many of the aspects of a child's development.



Text Entry via Power Wheelchairs


      Article written by Jacob Wobbrock text entry with joysticks and touchpads 


Vendors of Power Wheelchairs:


     ASL  (Applied Systems Laboratory)  vendor of Head Arrays and multiple other wheelchair electronics  








Wheelchair Evaluations   From a conference  Let's Roll!  The Art of Performing Seating and Mobility Evaluations by Kirsten Davin, OTD,OTR/L ATP, SMS 


Sample Seating /Mobility Evaluation  from Illinois State Web site   


Various Drives (Power Wheelchairs)  






Foam Cushions

Air Cushions

Gel Cushions

Thermoplastic Urethane (honeycomb) Cushions

Custom-molded Orthotic Cushions



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