
Closing the Gap 2010

Page history last edited by karen maass 14 years ago

YouTube plugin error

Link to the You Tube "Happiest Penguin"  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGEqWzw8A9g



"Brain research tells us that when the fun stops, learning often stops too." Judy Willis. Judy was a neurologist first and then returned to college to teach middle school students. Click here to get to Judy's website.



Paula Walser's site from CTG 2010




Two Conditions for Literacy Learning:  David Koppenhaver

  • Cognitive Clarity (what is expected and why are they doing the task)
  • Cognitive Engagement


Barbara Wollak Site from CTG 2010


References Site: A resource list contains commercial and free sites to support the Whole to Part Reading and Writing Models. The list is coded for what the piece of technology supports most easily. It was compiled by David Koppenhaver and Barbara Wollak.


Why use activities online/ technology: (Barbara Wollak, CTG 2010)

  • Levels the playing field
  • Socially appropriate
  • Web 2.0 provides motivating and authentic purposes for reading and writing
  • This year the typical student will read 8 books, 23000 web pages and 1281 Facebook profiles (Teaches skills to prepare students for the 21 st Century)


Paul Hamiton's Pre-Conference CTG

Paul has both a blog and a wiki. He did a pre-conference presentation at CTG 2010 taken off of his wiki.


How Do We Make Meaning    (Three Ways the Brain Makes Meaning)

      by Tom Wujec (ted.com)

  1.      Use images to clarify ideas
  2.      Interact with images to create engagement
  3.      Augment Memory with persistent & evolving views


** "The Receiver and the Sender-- the act of engaging and looking at images creates meaning and the act of engaging and creating interactive imagery enriches meaning."



Some examples of Free Online Tools



This is a free email service for students with good teacher controls and filters.  They will call your school to make sure that you are a teacher before allowing you to sign up your students.  Advertisements are kid safe.

Gaggle offers a free version and a for pay version.  The free version is for selected schools and teachers only. It's an invitation only thing. If you would like to apply for the free version of Gaggle a teacher needs to call (800) 288-7750.


Ability Online:

Ability Online is an internet community for young people. "Here, young people with disabilities and illnesses connect with all kinds of possibilities that address their needs as curious, growing citizens of the planet.  They meet and chat with other people like them in a virtual world that transcends boundaries and barriers." Safety and security are built in.






Word Clouds:

1. Wordle:


Wordle is a free online site for generating “word clouds” from text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. You can tweak your clouds with different fonts, layouts, and color schemes.


















2. Tagul          http://tagul.com/     


      Tagul is different     


     Tagul is different from Wordle. Wordle was designed to be play with words. Tagul clouds are different. Each word within a Tagul cloud links to other information linked to that word.  Each tag in Tagul cloud is linked with an URL and is “clickable” that enables visitors to use it for navigation. Tagul has some features that Wordle doesn’t, like custom shapes selection and multiply fonts usage in one cloud.    


       Therapy Source 





3. Tagxedo

turns words -- famous speeches, news articles, slogans and poems -- into a visually stunning tag cloud, words individually sized appropriately to highlight the frequencies of occurrence within the body of text. As far as I know you cannot embed a word design made in Tagxedo. You can save it as an image and place where ever you can put an image.







101 Ways to Use Tagxedo











Wallwisher is a web based tool. web based tool that can be used to make announcements, take notes, back channel - anything you might write on a post it note  - Basically its a web page where people can paste notesUsers do NOT need a user name or account to post to a wall.


Go to:  http://www.wallwisher.com/wall/ptandotwall




My Own Worksheet:  Created by SoftTouch (Beta Version) FREE


  • Create worksheets and Communication Device overlays
  • Store them online or print and store them local.


Organizational Tool :



Evernote is a free or pay for service organizational tool. It is a "virtual notebook" and is available almost everywhere whether you are "connected" or not.  You can save your thoughts, ideas, things you see and things you hear and then tag them for easy recovery. They are saved and tagged in notebooks. It works with nearly every computer, mobile device, and phone. Once you install it both via internet and also download and install on your computer the elephant icon lets you know you can connect and save info anywhere. 




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