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Portable Notetakers

Page history last edited by karen maass 13 years, 7 months ago

Fusion Keyboard
The Fusion keyboard is a portable notetaker with a large LCD screen. It has a choice of font sizes, word prediction, and optional text-to-speech. It can store text which can be sent to the computer via infrared receiver. Text can also be uploaded to the Fusion from the computer via a CF card.
Company: Advanced Keyboard Technologies
Web Site: http://www.writerlearning.com/


The Writer
The Writer is a portable notetaker with word prediction, wireless send, spell checker, and thesaurus.
Company: Advanced Keyboard Technologies
Web Site: http://www.writerlearning.com/




Neo and Neo 2 Neo and Neo 2 (AlphaSmart) is a portable notetaker with AlphaWord Plus (a word processor), spell checker, and thesaurus. KeyWords, a built-in keyboarding program, comes standard with it. Text is able to be transferred to the computer via a USB cable or infrared. Text2Speech add-on is also available, along with a Co:Writer (word prediction) applet. All of these features are available on both Neo and Neo 2, but Neo 2 has software for academic testing available also.
Company: Renaissance Learning Company
Web Site: http://www.renlearn.com/


Dana and Dana.wireless
Dana and Dana.wireless are a portable notetakers with a full sized keyboard and wide LCD screen. They run on Palm operating system. There are various software available for the Dana including Write:Outloud to Go (talking word processor), Inspiration for Palm OS (graphic organizer), Palm Reader, and a multiple of others. See Web Site below for complete listing.

Company: Renaissance Learning Company
Web Site: http://www.renlearn.com/



Laser PC
The Laser PC is a portable notetaker with full-size keyboard and small LCD display screen. Text can be transferred to a computer via a file transfer cable or infrared. An optional text-to-speech add-on offers auditory feedback for the device’s word processing program. It comes with word prediction, thesaurus, spell checker, and scientific calculator
Company: Perfect Solutions
Web Site: http://www.perfectsolutions.com/


QuickPAD has two choices QuickPAD IR (On top: word processor, typing tutor, spell check and personal organizer) and QuickPAD PRO (On bottom: It has all features of QuickPAD IR plus scientific graphic calculator, spreadsheet, database, personal organizer, 2 way data transfer, text email)
Company: QuickPAD Technology Corporation
Web Site: www.quickpad.org






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