Accessible Book Collection:
What is the Accessible Book Collection?
Accessible Book Collection is a non-profit corporation. Their primary mission is to provide high interest/low reading level digital text to qualified persons with disabilities. Government and non-profit schools and others can subscribe to the very affordable Accessible Book Collection and have a large selection of e-books for all their eligible student.
Comparison with Bookshare (from HIAT website)
There are a few features of that make it different from Bookshare
- More books are available for younger students including easy readers and picture books
- Pictures are included in the downloaded files
- About 300 books are available in a switch‐accessible version using either Clicker 5, Intellitools, or Boardmaker Plus format. These are particularly useful for teachers of students with physical disabilities.
Video on instructions as to how to get started:
Specially Formatted Books for Children with Physical Disabilities or Visual Impairments
In addition Linda Bastiani Wilson of Montgomery County Public Schools in Maryland (HIAT) , Darlene Brodbeck of ACES (AT profile for ACES) in Connecticut and Dynavox and Mayer-Johnson have formatted a number of Accessible Book Collection Easy Readers to Classroom Suite format, Clicker 5 format and Boardmaker Plus format.
Provide alternative access to the book reading experience
As much as possible, this includes a way for young children with physical disabilities to exercise as much independence as possible by mimicking the book handling experiences that typical children would have: choose a book, turn pages, go backwards, read, reread, see the text on the same page as the picture, point (virtually).
Another interesting fact: Access to books in Meville to WeVille curriculum
The following is a list of books that are part of the Ablenet Curriculum series MeVille to WeVille and the Star Reporter. As part of the initiative of making books more accessible for our students with print disabilities, I have listed the books so that we can keep track of which books have been converted and which ones still need to be converted.
Various Ways to create Forms or Worksheets
1. PDF Pro
Tutorial for Type on PDF Pro
2, Adobe Acrobat Pro ------Creating Accessible PDF Worksheets
A. Tutorial on creating Accessible PDF worksheets
B, Two Y-tube Video Tutorial:
C. A couple of examples of created forms.
D, It appears that it might also work to fill in a scanned graphic organizer or downloaded graphic organizer.
Education oasis for graphic organizers. Education oasis is a resource site for teachers. It has 58 graphic organizers that can be downloaded in PDF format.
Kurzweil Fill-in-the-Blank Worksheets
Here is a you-tubevideo showing just how easy it is:
Tutorial on Kurzweil for Worksheet Modifications
How to Import a WORD document
Photo Impact
Tutorial for Photo Impact
Boardmaker Studio
Tutorial for Boardmaker Studio
Boardmaker Studio Start up
Boardmaker Achieve (Boardmaker Activity Share site)
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